
On April 1,1931 a baseball game was going to play but it got rained out.The next day it was clear and the game was starting.The New York and Chattanooga were faceing each other.On the Chattanooga team a girl was pitching.Babe Ruth was up to bat.He got struck out and she struck the other two batters out .

Tax activity

Yesterday are class did a game about taxes.We got a cup of mints that we were acting like they were money.Someone was king and there was two tax collectors.The King would say a tax and if we had the tax that the King said we would have to pay the tax.

2014 and 2015

The memory theat I will always remember from 2014 is when I got to go to Las Veges and California.I got to see my Uncle how lives in California .Then when we went to Las Vegeswe got to stay in a hotel named Circis Circis and it was really big.My goal for 2015 is that I want to be more responsable.I want to be more clean and mature.Thoses are my goals for 2015 to help me be a better person.