The Foxglove scientific classification name is scrophulariaceae and the scientific name is Digitalis purpurea.The Foxglove grows up to 2-4 feet and also it is used for medicine.The Foxglove does not grow in Texas,but it grows in the north west and north east.Don’t eat this flower because it is extremely poisonous.The Foxglove blooms dearing the months of June through  September.h

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The king penguin’s diet is lantern fish, squid, and krill.

The king Penguin’s habitat is tundra coast lines and ice-free cold waters.

They do migrate.

They can live up to 20 years.

They are not endangered.

I got this from


Math POD

Davey and Charlie shared half a box of crackers.They each had 20 crackers.How many crackers were in the box when it was full?

I did 20 times 2 because they each had 20 crackers and there was 2 people.So I multiplied and I got 40 and multiplied 40 and 2 because it said how many crackers did the box have when it was full?

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman is an African-American leader who was a slave.When she was little she tried to run away.When she grew up she got married still as a slave.Some days past she went back to where she was a slave and freed lots of other slaves.She hid the slaves in a underground railroad track and in the book it said”that she didn’t lose one passenger on the train.”The underground railroad was a metaphor for Harriet Tubman’s escap route

Riding Bikes

I woke up sleepily early in the day

after a while I returned to the hay.

When my dad got back from work we

went far away

 to the ocean bay.

When we got home we went to play

and we played all day.

We rode bikes all the way.

I tried with no hands and it paid off the

next day

I faced my challenge and my dad said ” yea.”